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Who are we?
Hands-On Development Initiatives International Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to alleviating extreme poverty in rural African communities. We do so through the empowerment of leadership and through building thriving, sustainable communities. Currently H.O.D.I. is working in Muhanda in western Kenya and Nakuru in Rift Valley, Kenya.
H.O.D.I.'s goal is to move rural communities towards holistic and sustainable wellness, through collaborative partnerships with community groups and leaders at all levels: local, national and international.
The logo symbolizes partnership which nurtures communities struggling in their social and economic development but succeeding through bringing to the situation whatever is in their capacity to give.
The acronym H.O.D.I. (Hands-On Development Initiatives) symbolizes a relationship characteristic of the hospitality Kenyans are known for.
When approaching a home, one announces their arrival with the Swahili word, Hodi?! This greeting would be met with the welcome, Karibu! meaning You are welcome, implying Come on in.
This cultural welcome continues to be extended to us as an organization and to visiting friends.
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